About Nazaha



Our mission is to represent the Lebanese in parliament to achieve our vision and to have fair values and principles embodied in the rule of our country.


We believe that everyone has the right to be heard and represented in a democratic society and we recognize that the dignity of each individual is the fundamental principle of a democratic society. We believe in the independence, responsibility, and freedom of the individual in a respected society.


We believe that long-term vision is important to a sustainable society in Lebanon and abroad and we believe that social, economic, and environmental issues are interconnected and society is strengthened when we take action on these three issues.  


The Nazaha Party of Lebanon is an association of members and supporters who share the vision of a prosperous, socially fair, and united Lebanon for all Lebanese.

We act in accordance with our values and principles and believe that ethics and integrity should govern everything we do so that the highest standards of conduct are considered and reflected when we are preoccupied with the responsible representation of the Lebanese. We believe in making decisions based on facts and evidence.

We rely on legitimate research and expertise to make rational and informed decisions to provide the Lebanese with a responsible and responsive government that meets the needs of the Lebanese.

We are realistic optimists who believe in peace and public reconciliation for all. We celebrate diversity, and we are committed to seeking equal opportunities for all Lebanese in the unlimited possibilities of the human spirit. We believe that it is important to provide fair and equitable treatment for all.

The Government of the Nazaha Party of Lebanon is dedicated to protecting and promoting the lives of all Lebanese and committed to democratic, federal, and the rule of law governance. We are committed to providing a good and just balance between the economy and social justice. Based on our values, we work with the Lebanese to provide equal opportunities and security for all citizens.

We govern on the basis that we have a responsibility towards the well-being of individuals, families, companies, industries, and the environment. Therefore, we have a role to play in ensuring that markets are properly regulated fairly and freely and in preserving the Lebanese identity in a global community.

We value education, creativity, and innovation because it leads to evidence-based public policy. We are open and supportive of intellectual curiosity.


  • Advocacy and support for values, principles, and policies of the Nazaha.
  • Fundraising to support activities and achieve our mission.
  • Supporting the independent judiciary, the security services, and prosecuting the corrupt.
  • Improving accountability to the membership at all levels of the party.
  • Support social programs, job creation, and encourage investment.
  • Promoting participation in the Nazaha Party of Lebanon in all Lebanese communities.