About Nazaha

Positive Politics

The Nazaha Party of Lebanon is an association of members and supporters who share the vision of a prosperous, socially fair, and united Lebanon for all Lebnonese.


Our mission is to represent the Lebanese in parliament to achieve our vision and to have fair values and principles embodied in the rule of our country.


We believe that everyone has the right to be heard and represented in a democratic society and we recognize that the dignity of each individual is the fundamental principle of a democratic society. We believe in the independence, responsibility, and freedom of the individual in a respected society.


We believe that long-term vision is important to a sustainable society in Lebanon and abroad and we believe that social, economic, and environmental issues are interconnected and society is strengthened when we take action on these three issues.

Join the movement

Register today and be part of the most open party that’s
focused on changing the future of Lebanese for the better.